Podcast: "The Hard Country," Ep. 22: follow the money.
An explosive story lays bare the connection between Mexico's President and the Sinaloa Cartel.
ProPublica — the last outlet I ever thought would ever do anything like this — dropped an absolutely explosive story, forty-eight hours ago, laying out the longstanding relationship between the current President of Mexico and the Sinaloa Cartel. It is extensive, it is persuasive, and it is absolutely damning. You must read it.
Equally damning is the revelation in the story that the Obama Administration had all this information — and chose to do nothing for fear of offending Mexican sentiment. This is a monumental failure of civic stewardship, by the very Americans who are supposed to put Americans first.
The Mexican President, at yesterday’s mañanera, blamed his enemies in the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration for placing this story in press. The question arises: how exactly does one go about making enemies in the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration? It’s a mystery.
Anyway, you know this part is coming — we have a Hard Country out on the topic. Have a watch:
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